Jerzy Nowosielski was born 91 years ago

Today is (or would be) Jerzy Nowosielski’s (1923-2011) 91 birthday. This extraordinary artist and thinker, one of his kind against the rather dull background of Polish Orthodoxy, has been a source of great inspiration for us: both in his paintings – mainly images icons of his unmistakable, innovative style – and in his words. On the one hand loved and admired, on the other controversial and kept at a distrustful distance by church authorities and most church goers, he left a unique legacy virtually unknown outside of Poland (he was never really interested in promoting his work at foreign exhibitions, this he considered too mundane too earn his interest). We tried to make his writings and art accessible for the English-speaking reader as best we could given our modest means. Below is a list of articles devoted exclusively to Nowosielski that we posted on the blog over the years, and here are those tagged ‘Nowosielski’ – those below and posts only with quotes from him. And here you can find an album with photos taken by our friend Dr. Gregory Neal during his trip through Poland with us at the Bialy Bor Byzantine Catholic Church – which Nowosielski designed and painted – the Franciscan Church in Azory, Krakow, and St. Boris and Gleb chapel in Kanonicza Street.

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