Comments for Don't Shoot the Prophet A few words of support for the ECUSA Sat, 05 Apr 2014 08:53:49 +0000 hourly 1 /?v=4.3.19 Comment on An Episcopal Preacher at Mariavite Mass… by admin /?p=7678&cpage=1#comment-40374 Sat, 05 Apr 2014 08:53:49 +0000 /?p=7678#comment-40374 Drogi Seamusie,

właściwie jest to na razie tylko zaproszenie ze strony UU. Mariawici muszą się w tej sprawie wypowiedzieć, co ma zrobić Kapituła Generalna. Z tego, co słyszeliśmy od mariawickich przyjaciół, nie jest to w cale pewna rzecz. Wiele osób widzi w tym tylko projekt biskupów i nie dostrzega realnych zysków z powrotu do UU. My osobiście nie mamy na ten temat wyrobionego jasnego poglądu. Być może później napiszemy coś więcej, ale w tej chwili faktycznie mamy mnóstwo innych spraw na głowie i niestety dużo mniej czasu, żeby w ogóle pisać na blogu.

Pozdrawiamy serdecznie!

Comment on An Episcopal Preacher at Mariavite Mass… by Seamus /?p=7678&cpage=1#comment-40116 Fri, 04 Apr 2014 08:56:48 +0000 /?p=7678#comment-40116 No i Mariawici w Unii Utrechckiej… Chętnie przeczytałbym u Was jakiś dłuższy wpis nt. tego faktu, choć pewnie teraz na to czasu nie macie w związku z PWE. Mnie osobiście ta wiadomość bardzo ucieszyła, choć UU też ma oczywiście swoje problemy. Co w ogóle myślicie o sprawie? Pozdrawiam.

Comment on “A Christian should have no doubts,” or “Where they burn books…” by Roman Górny /?p=7922&cpage=1#comment-32961 Fri, 31 Jan 2014 16:02:31 +0000 /?p=7922#comment-32961 I am a Greek Orthodox Christian Polish-American with ties to the Anglican Church (Episcopal Church USA). I also have roots in Judaism, kabbalah and talmudic study, and I am at home in biblical Hebrew (in which I pray the Psalms) and biblical/Byzantine Greek (my liturgical language). Currently I am a religious exile from my local Greek church, which is under occupation by hostile forces of the type you describe in this post. In fact, every member of my family, except my wife (because she is mere woman) is considered dangerous by the current parish priest and his followers, and have been forced out of the parish by one means or another. There is gathering a very dark force, a ghost of the worst in our medieval Christian past, that has been taking over Greek parishes one by one, and is now spilling over into other Orthodox jurisdictions as well. These are people who burn books ‘with their lips’ and people as well. I now attend an Antiochian parish, which is Arabic. It is still evangelical and Orthodox as the Greek church used to be when it was led by Archbishop Iakovos (memory eternal). I think the phenomena we are seeing and which you report in this post are part of the dying cry of a fundamentalism which knows deeply but which refuses to accept the end of itself. In fact, all fundamentalisms are actually signs, not of life, true spiritual life based on a relationship to the Living God, but signs of immanent death, which is why they can become so vicious and violent, as in the case of Islamic fundamentalism. Finally, after bringing true modernity and liberty to the world, in spite of the historic, institutional Church, its self-declared promoter but actual restrainer, the gospel of Jesus Christ alone will survive to the end of the age, as He promises, in a Church that knows no divisions, and in which everyone is ‘a first-born child and citizen of heaven’ (Hebrews). Meanwhile, in the Church as it is, we must witness, and wait.

Comment on Apostolskie Wyznanie Wiary cz. 6: “Umęczon pod Ponckim Piłatem, ukrzyżowan, umarł i pogrzebion” by varpho /?p=7886&cpage=1#comment-32572 Fri, 17 Jan 2014 22:01:02 +0000 /?p=7886#comment-32572 a cały tekst bardzo dobrze pokazuje kwestie najważniejsze.

Comment on Apostolskie Wyznanie Wiary cz. 6: “Umęczon pod Ponckim Piłatem, ukrzyżowan, umarł i pogrzebion” by varpho /?p=7886&cpage=1#comment-32571 Fri, 17 Jan 2014 21:59:49 +0000 /?p=7886#comment-32571 “Chociaż to prawda, że rada żydowska, której przewodzili arcykapłani, głosowała za potępieniem Jezusa, to jednak niektórzy członkowie tej samej rady byli odmiennego zdania i więcej niż kilku, jak się zdaje, stało się Jego uczniami i przyjęło chrzest.”

ciekawe – chodzi o Nikodema? a czy o innych są jakieś wzmianki np. w apokryfach?

Comment on Smells and bells and… socialism. by admin /?p=1315&cpage=1#comment-32258 Tue, 31 Dec 2013 21:42:24 +0000 /?p=1315#comment-32258 We do know the rule, but the text is old and we didn’t pay that much attention to proofreading then :)

Thank you for the additional information on the subject.

Comment on We will become Ecumenical Mariavites by admin /?p=5078&cpage=1#comment-32257 Tue, 31 Dec 2013 21:40:14 +0000 /?p=5078#comment-32257 Thank you very much for your reaction. Unfortunately, virtually all Mariavite liturgical texts are in Polish. To English speakers who would like to join in our prayer life me recommend St. Augustine’s Prayer Book ( Essentially every vesper liturgy with benediction corresponds to the Mariavite tradition.

Comment on We will become Ecumenical Mariavites by Fr.Luke-Amedei Iezzi osf /?p=5078&cpage=1#comment-31809 Sun, 15 Dec 2013 16:06:29 +0000 /?p=5078#comment-31809 Pax et Bonum ! I spend two hours each day in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with supplications for the worlds pressing needs.I meditate during this time as well on the seven mystery’s of the Franciscan crown joining with all who adore and have taken Our Lady as their model and spiritual mistress.I have been trying to find the Mariavite Vespers in honor of the Holy Sacrament can you send some information if possiable.Iam third generation Old Roman Catholic and bishop of our Caribbean Diocese here in Guadeloupe our faithful here are very prayerful and when they can join in my adorations. union of prayers Merry Christ+Mass hope to hear from you. VOTRE SERVITEUR J.M.J.F. + Luke

Comment on Smells and bells and… socialism. by Thomas Sm /?p=1315&cpage=1#comment-31617 Sun, 08 Dec 2013 15:04:14 +0000 /?p=1315#comment-31617 You are constantly confusing “its” and “it’s”. You write them both “it’s”. The contraction “it is” -> “it’s”. The possessive “of it” -> “its”. I see you are probably not a first-language speaker, but it will help people to understand your writing if you remember this spelling rule.

Anglo-Catholic socialists have been various degrees of radical (some in the 20th century were anarcho-communists or Communist Party fellow travellers). There is a more conservative version that is not precisely egalitarian. This sort of ‘Tory socialism’ seeks an alliance of the old order (hearkening back to the Stuarts and before) and the working class and poor against the Whiggish and Liberal bourgeoisie.

Comment on Our Favourite Polish Carol by Helen Waddle /?p=7870&cpage=1#comment-31469 Wed, 04 Dec 2013 09:27:51 +0000 /?p=7870#comment-31469 Thank you! Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!
