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We have recently started recording the daily office from the 1979 BCP in our translation into Polish (you can find the Noonday Prayer and Compline here ). Eventually we would also like to record the Morning and the Evening Prayer, but we are still thinking about what to do with the readings and collects, which are virtually absent in the Noonday Prayer and Compline (if you have any ideas, please share them with us). Before we finish this project, however, we decided to collect in one place all links we know to places on the internet where you can listen to/watch prayers and services from the broadly understood Anglican tradition.
- Sunday Worship is broadcast each Sunday by the BBC. These are mostly broadcasts of services, not only from Anglican churches. The program is 40 minutes long. You can listen to it live at 8:10 am GMT and then through the whole week.
- Short Daily Services are broadcast daily at 9:45 am GMT. You can listen to them later, also through the whole week.
- The most popular religious program of the BBC is the Choral Evensong broadcast on Wednesdays at 3:30 pm and rebroadcast on Sunday at 4 pm. We wrote more about this specifically Anglican form of worship here . Choral Evensong in the BBC is the longest running (since 1926) outside broadcast in the world.
Daily Office
On the internet there are many opportunities for those who want to get to know the rhythm of Anglican daily prayers.
- The Morning Prayer is posted daily from the Episcopal Church in Garrett County, Maryland. The officiant, the Rev. Chip Lee, faithfully posts up-to-date recordings every day. Unfortunately, they usually do not include information about church festivals and commemorations. Here you can listen to the Noonday Prayer . Unfortunately, the Evening Prayer is not being recorded. For some time you could also listen to Compline, but now we cannot find it anymore.
- The Rev. David Guthrie from New Zealand records the Morning and Evening Prayers according to the local Prayer Book. This website too is updated very faithfully, and the more or less 15 minutes long recordings sometimes include information about church festivals and commemorations.
- On the website of the relatively new London Internet Church you can not only listen to but also watch the Morning and Evening Prayer recorded at St. Stephen Walbrook Church in London. The maximally 10 minutes long recordings are done very professionally. Less professional, alas, is that especially the Morning Prayers are not always up to date. Oftentimes we realize in the middle of the prayer that we have already heard those particular readings and that reflection the day before or the previous week.
- For those who prefer reading to listening we have three more links. Here you will find prayers and readings for each day in the tradition of the Church of England, and here and here according to the 1979 BCP.
Sunday Eucharist
Each Sunday, thanks to the internet, you can participate in the liturgical life of these churches:
- Washington National Cathedral
- Trinity Church Wall Street in New York
They both offer video broadcasts of services, which you can watch both live and on demand.
Also Duke University Chapel provides video broadcasts. The Duke University in Durham, NC, is related to the Methodist Church but Anglican liturgical tradition is much cherished in its chapel. Recently the local Episcopal Bishop called Duke University Chapel the most Anglican church in his diocese. Apart from Sunday services you can also watch broadcasts of Roman Catholic mass celebrated there and Thursday Choral Vespers.
You can listen to services from:
- St. Thomas Fifth Avenue in New York (not only Sunday Eucharist)
- Grace Cathedral in San Francisco (on Thursday there is Evensong and on Sunday the Eucharist)
Grace Incarnate Ministries
And finally, the website of our friend from Texas, the Rev. Dr. Gregory Neal. It is a true treasury of liturgical materials and sermons. You will find here his sermons, theological papers, audio and video recordings of services and photographs. It is truly worth visiting regularly.