In the last weeks the topic of the feminine aspect/motherhood of God reoccurred regularly on our blog. You can find it here and here . On the vigil of the Polish Mothers Day we want to share a very special sermon preached on the American Mothers day in the American Preaching series at the pulpit of the Washington National Cathedral on May 9, “Mamma Eternal”. The preacher was the Rev. Dr. James Forbes, the former senior minister at the Riverside Church , an interdenominational, interracial, international congregation in New York , known not only for its elaborate gothic architecture, but also as a centre for promotion of the progressive Christianity. Dr. Forbes was the first African American minister to lead this multicultural congregation and served there for eighteen years. We were very impressed by his powerful, lively way of preaching. On the one hand, it’s something not everyone appreciates, yet on the other hand the standing ovation right after the sermon speaks for itself.
You can listen to it here or watch it here .
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Yesterday my mamma sent me an email with only John 3,16:
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Your Mamma knows very well what really matters in Christian life, what’s the only basis of our hope for the future, of our hope that there is a future for this crazy world and even for us: worlds craziest children