Reverence, Humility and Courage

Entering the doors of the University of Harvard is for many the first step toward a brilliant trustee-gomes-hires professional future, but some are even convinced that the almost 40 thousand dollars they have to pay for a year of education there is also a price for a happy private life, because the Harvard men are very appreciated as friends and valued on the matrimonial market. Is there any place for religion in such a world? Despite the Christian Protestant roots of the university, Christians are aliens there , says Rev. Prof. Peter J. Gomes , Plummer Professor of Christian Morals and Pusey Minister in The Memorial Church, but they have their own place though. The fact that they are aliens is expressed by the values they represent. In his sermon for the opening of term entitled First Things First , Rev. Gomes, one sometimes called the conscience of Harvard , mentioned three of them, reverence, humility and courage. Harvard Radio disappointed us once again – there was no broadcast of the service, but fortunately the sermon is now available at the website of the Memorial Church . It’s good stuff, we think, not only for the Harvard people, but for anyone returning to their duties and obligations after the holiday season.

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